Proposing Iman-Maqashid Syariah theme, two students from Faculty of Economy and Business become speakers at the International Conference on Islamic Economy

[, 29/09/2013] Two student from Faculty of Economy and Business (FEB) Unpad, Rizma Riyandi Rahman (Management 2010) and Mutia Taqina Gamat (Accountancy 2010) become speakers at the 1st Annual Conference of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance in University of Toronto, Canada on August 30-31, 2013.

They will be speaking at the conference after their paper “Concept Analysis I-Mq’S as Standard of Application to Create Takaful Ijtima’i to Construct Welfare Society” was selected. Rahman and Gamat will present the paper before the conference participants through Skype on August 31. “At first we did not expect to be selected at an international forum. Previously, the paper has been submitted to a number of national conferences. It turned out we passed at an international conference,” said them when being interviewed by Unpad Public Relation officer on Wednesday (28/8).

They offer I-Mq’S (Iman-Maqashid Syariah) concept which is one of the manifestations of 5 Basic Needs by Imam Assyathibi. Maqashid Syariah means human basic purposes based on Islamic law. The concept is also applied to the Islamic economy system, and becomes standard of wealth in Islam. The State is obliged to provide the complete wealth insurance to the public in order to reach the high level of faith and piety. “If the concept is applied in Indonesia, it will minimize unnecessary expenses because it enables the more efficient economic system,” explained Rahman, who has been interested in the concept after completing Islamic Economic System course on the second semester.

Gamat is also interested in the concept offered by her friend claiming that it is believed to have positive impacts to community. She expressed her hope that their participation as speaker at the concept would lead to the development of the concept as an effective solution in economic system.

The conference is the first conference held by the Scientific Forum of Islamic Economics, Islam Finance and Religious Studies ECO-ENA, Inc. Ottawa, in which many participants from a number of countries will take part in. besides Rahman and Gamat, FEB Unpad’s lecturer, Dian Masyita Ph.D. will also participate in the conference.

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