Beware of scams on Unpad Entrance Examinations

[, 14/08/2013] Universitas Padjadjaran does not hold any extended entrance examination. The whole selection process and student registration had already been completed before the month of August 2013 started. Unpad recently received a report saying that entrance examination was held on July 31, 2013. And those who had passed the test would have to register on August 14, 2013. Again, Unpad does not hold any extended entrance examination.

For the academic year 2013/2014, Unpad organized several entrance examinations namely SNMPTN invitation route, SBMPTN written selection, and SMUP for Diploma, Profession, Specialist, and Graduate School Programs. The latest selection test was held for SMUP Diploma program on July 29-30, 2013. Afterward, there is no more entrance examination for any programs that the university offers.

Please beware of any kind of frauds or scams on any extended entrance examination to Unpad. Should anyone give you any information on this, saying that you have been admitted to Unpad and must pay a certain amount of money via wire transfer, please ignore it.

For further information on this, please contact Unpad Public Relation office at 022-84288888 *


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