Weather condition affects water quality in Saguling dam

[, 8/07/2013] Increasing pollution at Citarum upstream has consequently contributed to the worsening condition of Saguling dam in West Bandung regency. “It is mainly caused by irresponsible industrial activities. Further research on the dynamics of water quality in the Saguling dam, however, needs to be done,” said Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Masyamsir, MS., when giving a lecture at the Aula Dekanat FPIK in Jatinangor on Monday (8/07).

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Masyamsir, MS.,

His lecture, as a part of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science’s 8th anniversary commemoration events, focused on spatial and temporal dynamics of primary productivity at Saguling dam during the dry and rainy seasons. Within the years of 1997 and 1998, spatial research was conducted at three different sites, namely Maroko at its inlet for its heavy organic contents, Cihaur at its bay for its medium contents, and Cigelap at its downstream for its light organic contents. Samples were taken at two sampling points during dry season and at three sampling points during rainy season.

During the rainy season, net primary productivity and water quality at the three sites are relatively good because the dilution process that makes organic contents spread evenly. Accordingly, even though polluted fish farm is still feasible. During the dry season, cage fish farming can be effectively carried out at Cigelap bays or downstream.

“At the downstream, in the dry season, water pollution can still be tolerated. Fishing can be done there, but not at Maroko and Cihaur,” said Masyamsir. In the rainy season, fishing and cage fish farming can be done in the tree locations because water quality becomes relatively better. “Fish cages are therefore should be designed for mobile transportation,” he concluded.


Besides Prof. Masyamsir, also giving a lecture was Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sukaya Sastrawibawa, S.U., on fish breed production through biotechnology approach.



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