In Cooperation with SEAMOLEC and Vocational Schools, Unpad passes 58 graduates from D-1 continuing vocational program


[, 4/07/2013] Fifty-eight students Diploma 1 Continuing Vocational Program (PVB D-1) as a cooperation between Unpad and Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC) and vocational schools (SMK) in West Java took part in the graduation ceremony at Bale Sawala Unpad, Jatinangor on Thursday (4/07).

“PVB D-1 Unpad is an Unpad’s program directed by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti). Unpad participates in training SMK teachers as instructors who teach students in PVB D-1,” said Vice Rector of Education and Student Affairs Unpad, Prof. Dr. H. Engkus Kuswarno, MS., before the ceremony.

The graduates for this year’s program consisted of 19 graduates from Aquaculture Program, Management of Fishery Production and Technology Concentration, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, 10 graduates from Information Technology Program,  Mobile Application Concentration, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and 29 graduates from Agricultural Cultivation Program, Assembly Technology and Seed Production Concentration, Faculty of Agriculture.

Coordinator of PVB D-1 Unpad, Dr. Ir. Reginawati Hindersah, MP., who is also a lecturer in Faculty of Agriculture Unpad, explained that the students studied in several vocational schools in West Java which were Unpad’s subcampuses. After graduating, they would be expert on specific expertise in production and service, as well as independent worker.

The students of the program were alumni vocational schools in several regions in West Java, such as Subang, Cimalaya, Majalengka, Sukabumi, Sumedang, Garut, Baleendah, and Bandung. Among the graduates, Aditya Lukman from Information Technology Program, Mobile Application Concentration graduated with the highest GPA, 3.81.


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