Students and Alumni Should Not Sit in Ivory Towers

[, 7/05/2013] Universities should shun themselves from becoming an ivory tower. Similarly, both students and alumni should blend with the people. By blending with them, the collective purpose of our independence will accordingly be achieved.

The rector when giving his speech in Graduation Ceremony Batch III in Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Kampus Unpad Bandung, Tuesday (7/05).

The rector emphasized the importance of blending with the society when giving his speech in the graduation ceremony batch III at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata in Bandung on Tuesday (7/05). As many as 2,040 Unpad new graduates from all study programs walked in the commencement ceremony.

“Such spirit is evident, for example, in the slogan that Kodam III Siliwangi holds: ‘Siliwangi is the people of West Java, and the people of West Java are Siliwangi.’ They are just inseparable,” said the rector. His speech covered three events Unpad commemorates in May, namely National Education Day on May 2, National Resurrection Day on May 20, and the Anniversary of Kodam III Siliwangi on May 20.

The rector added that challenges grew and life became more complex. Unpad alumni, therefore, must have the urge to keep struggling and become part of the solution for the problems that this nation is facing.



Still in relation to graduation ceremony, the head of Administrative Academic Bureau, Isis Ikhwansyah, said that new graduates can now take their diplomas immediately after graduation ceremony is ended. “They used to have to wait for days, but now, all graduates can get their diplomas right after the ceremony at their own faculties,” said he when interviewed after the first session of commencement ceremony was concluded.

List of students graduating with highest Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK):

Doctoral Program:
1. Wahda Program Studi Ilmu Ekonomi, IPK 4,0 – Cumlaude
2. O. Irene Edwina Program Studi Ilmu Psikologi, IPK 4,0 – Cumlaude

Magister Program:
1. Srihesty Manan Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, IPK 4,0 – Dengan Pujian
2. Yani Suryani Program Studi Ilmu Sastra, IPK 4,0 – Dengan Pujian
3. Hanum Wulandari Program Studi Ilmu Sastra, IPK 4,0 – dengan Pujian

Spesialist Program:
1. Hendri Hartman Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Anak, IPK 3,91 – Dengan Pujian

Profession Program:
1. Priscilla Daniego Pahlawan dari Program Studi Profesi Kedokteran Gigi, IPK 4,0 – Dengan Pujian
2. Agus Kusnandar dari Program Studi Profesi Ners, IPK 4,0 – Dengan Pujian
3. Ine Martini Program Studi Profesi Ners, IPK 4,0 – Dengan Pujian

Sarjana Program:
1. Sari Suryanah Program Studi Ilmu Peternakan, IPK 3,99 – Dengan Pujian


Students graduating the fastest:
Sarjana Program:
1. Juliarti Donda Verawaty (Matematika, masa studi 3 years 5 months)
2. Risna Wulan Tini (Matematika, masa studi 3 years 5 months)
3. Bayu Ar-Rab’Ul Chali (Matematika, masa studi 3 years 5 months)
4. Fujika Novinta Sembiring (Matematika, masa studi 3 years 5 months)
5. Rini Laelasari (Ilmu Peternakan, masa studi 3 years 5 months)

The Youngest Graduates:
1. Yoseph Marlin Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter pada usia 19 years 11 months

Wisudawan lulusan tertua:
Program Doktor:
1. Abdul Madjid Program Studi Ilmu Sosiologi pada usia 69 years 4 months

Program Magister:
1. Iswandoro Poerwidinoto Program Studi Kenotariatan pada usia 66 years 10 months


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