Physics Contributes Directly to Nature Preservation and Energy Conservation

[, 8/05/2013] Physics does not only deal with written formulas but also contributes directly to nature and energy conservation on earth. This has become the rationale for Physic Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Social Sciences (FMIPA) Unpad to organize Padjadjaran International Physics Symposium (PIPS) 2013 on May 7-9, 2013 in Bale Sawala Unpad Rectorate Building in Jatinangor, bringing a theme contribution of physics to environmental and energy conservation.

Padjadjaran International Physics Symposium (PIPS) 2013 in Bale Sawala Gedung Rektorat Unpad Kampus Jatinangor

As many as 147 participants, 110 of whom were paper presenters from 50 related institutions. Also present in the event were 2 keynote speakers Prof. Yuji Koike and Dr. Ayi Bahtiar, as well as 12 invited speakers from Unpad, Saitama University, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Indian Institute of Science, California Polytechnic State University, National University of Singapore, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Strasbourg (INSA) France, Tohoku University, and Waseda University.

According to the head of the organizing committee, Risdiana, PIPS, whose focuses are environment, energy material physics, instrumentation, geophysics, and theoretical physics, aimed at finding the concrete contributions that physics has given to environment and energy conservation. “The theme was also chosen to support one of the Unpad research pillars, namely environment and energy. Physics covers the two aspects,” said she.

It was evident from the papers and pieces of research presented in the event that breakthroughs had been made. Those papers, after a process of reviewing and evaluation, were to be published in Scopus-indexed AIP Conference Proceeding.

Students could also benefit from the event. Physics department, according to Risdiana, has been developing learning methods based on research, in which students are provided not only with imaginary formula but also media for direct implementation.

“Hopefully, this will also enable us to introduce our pieces of research to the international audience and develop joint research in both national and international level,” Risidiana concluded.

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