Mangasa Parhum L. Tobing Elected Elected Unpad Best Student 2013

[, 30/04/2013] Mangasa Parhum Lumban Tobing, Unpad Agriculture Faculty student, was recently elected the university’s best student in Mawapres 2013  and is to represent Unpad in national level competition.

Mangasa Parhum Lumban Tobing

Final round was held Tuesday (30/04) at Bale Sawala Unpad where two other contestants, namely Mellinda Arisandy (FTG 2010) and Fauzan Fikri (Farmasi 2010), competed with him. The three contestants went to the final round after having competed against other contestants each faculty in Unpad delegated.

“Selection processes refer to student guidelines issued by Ditjen Dikti, covering cumulative achievement indext (equivalent to GPA), paper and its presentation, and foreign language mastery, each of which has its own grade proportion,” said the head of Unpad student award committee, Mawapres 2013, Marsetio.

Present in the event were the director of Alumni and Student Development Center, Heryawan Kemal Mustafa, adjudicators, advisors, and vice deans III. The three students received money prize in the amount of Rp. 1 million, whereas other 13 contestants, representing their faculties, received Rp.500,000.


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