As many as 2040 Unpad Graduates Walk at Commencement Ceremonies Batch III Academic Year 2012/2013

Bandung, May 6, 2013. Universitas Padjadjaran will hold two commencement ceremonies Batch III Academic Year 2012/2013, the first on Tuesday, May 7 and the second on Wednesday, May 8, 2013. As many as 2040 students graduating for Diploma III program , Diploma IV Program, Sarjana Program, Specialist Program, and Profession, as well as Graduate Programs,  will walk at the ceremonies, which are contained within Universitas Padjadjaran Open Senate Assembly, chaired directly by the rector, who is also the head of Unpad Senate, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ganjar Kurnia, DEA.

The ceremonies are divided into four sessions, morning and afternoon sessions in two days, 09.00-11.00 WIB and 14.00 to 16.00 WIB. This division is an effort that the university makes to give excellent service to all graduates, their family, and other stakeholders, in addition to making the ceremonies more solemn.

Rehearsals are carried out on Monday, May 6, 2013 in Aula Unpad at 09.00-11.00 WIB.

Unpad graduates, wearing graduation caps and gowns, and invited guests are to be at the venue 30 minutes before the session begins and asked to show their invitation before entering the premises in an orderly manner. Children under 12 are not allowed to enter the location.

To avoid traffic congestion, drop off is at the main gate whereas parking is at Monumen Perjuangan parking lot, on Jalan Teuku Umar, and on Jalan Hasanuddin.

Should this pose any convenience on the public, on behalf of the Universitas Padjadjaran, we would like to apologize, especially to the motorists and bystanders on Jalan Dipati Ukur. We would like to recommend that you find road alternative during the ceremony.

Read the instruction and schedule for the ceremonies at: wisuda gelombang III tahun akademik 2012-2013/ or contact Humas Unpad at 022-84288811 e-mail:


The Head of Unpad Public Relation Office
Weny Widyowati
T. 022 84288811
F. 022 84288899
Contact Person: Wati 081321108399

Jadwal Wisuda Gelombang III Tahun Akademik 2012/2013


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