Peeking at the Environmentally Business Potentials

[, 28/04/2013] Green concept is strongly oriented on environment and integrated in a management of spatial aspects. The concept, therefore, has great business potentials.

Ridwan Kamil when speaking at the seminar ‘Business Attact’ in Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata on Saturday (27/04)

Ridwan Kamil, an entrepreneur and environmental activist, argues that Bandung is now faced with numerous social and environmental problems, to name but a few traffic congestion, poorly established infrastructures, careless city planning, and high poverty rate. “Similar to Jakarta, quality of life in Bandung continues to decrease despite its robust economic growth. This proves that money is not identical with the betterment of life,” says he when speaking at the seminar organized by Unpad’s Business Administration students, entitled Business Attack, bringing a theme creative, innovative, and environmentally friendly on Saturday (27/04) in Grha Sanusi Harjadinata.

Nowadays, development of a city or country is no longer indicated simply by its per capita income. The level of happiness should now be taken into account. “All the problems that our city is now facing may cause high level stress for the community,” Kamis adds.

Ridwal Kamil invites all individuals to take part in mending Bandung. “We all share the responsibility to have extra care in building the city of Bandung,” says he. This can be implemented through, among many ways, developing an environmentally friendly business concept which would lead to both acceleration of the city’s economic growth and increase in society’s participation to preserve nature. “Green does not only talk about trees and parks, but it also emphasizes creativity in finding ways of making the city a better place to live in,” says Kamil, who pioneers Indonesia Berkebun movement.

Also speaking about green business, the chair of Indonesia Young Entrepreneur Association (HIPMI) of West Java region, Yedi Karyadi, says that environmental businesses has great potentials when combined with creativity and innovation. “Action passion, and innovation are the keys to building excellent businesses,” says Karyadi.

Representing the seminar committee, Jati Maulana, states that Business Attack, which also invites Miss Indonesia Earth 2009, Nadine Zamira Syarief, and owner of Greenation Indonesia, Mufti Alem, hosts not only the seminar, but also a bazaar on May 4 that emphasizes greenovative, a concept that touches a new perspective of business paradigm. “Hopefully, this will encourage the community to start developing environmentally friendly businesses,” he concludes.


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