Indonesia Towards ASEAN Community Era in 2015

[, 19/04/2013]  In 2015, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a regional economic and geopolitical organization is to form ASEAN Community, to be started on December 31, 2015 in accordance with collective agreement signed in Pnom Penh, Cambodia in 2013.

According to Indonesian Ambassador for Thailand, Lutfi Rauf, despite its great potentials, the establishment of ASEAN Community is still facing various obstacles, one of which is pessimism from its own members. “Such opinion exists because in reality ASEAN members have differing economic condition and growth,” said Rauf when speaking at the Prospects and Challenges of ASEAN Communities 2015 on Friday (19/04) in Bale Sawala in Jatinangor.

Similar to the objective of ASEAN on August 8, 1967, the establishment of ASEAN Communities aims at accelerating economic, political, and socio-cultural growth in Southeast Asia, namely creating clear direction of regional policies in the region. “Collaboration and cooperation will lead to excellent competitiveness and economic growth in Southeast Asia,” he added.

As for Indonesia, the country still has to change its mindset from being consumer into producer, in addition to creating university graduates with their outstanding competence. “This means internationalization of study programs, curriculum, and exchanges are necessary,” said he. The establishment means both challenge and great opportunity for the people in ASEAN countries.

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