Happy Salma Hopes Monologue “Inggit” Can Make the Society Know Inggit Garnasih Better

[Unpad.ac.id, 9/04/2013] Happy Salma, famous theatrical actress in Indonesia, is going to perform a dramatic monologue “Inggit” at Bale Rumawat Unpad on Wednesday (10/4) at 15.30 and 19.30 WIB. “This is quite a big challenge that I will have ever faced in my acting career for this is a very long monologue on a historical figure of our nation,” said she.

However, Salma happily takes the challenge as she knows that staging Inggit will get the society to actually remember what kind of excellent figure she was.

“I am very much concerned about our unsung heroes. This nation would not be here without them. Inggit Garnasih, the second wife of our first president, Soekarno, was one of the many Indonesian heroines who fought for this nation,” said she.

Before performing in the monologue which is open for public, Happy seems to have done her research on Inggit. She has gone to historical places closely related to Inggit Garnasih and even interviewed her relatives. “I even went to her tomb to ask for permission,” said she.

Written by Ahda Imran and directed by Wawan Sofwan, the monologue tells a story about the adversity of life that Inggit faced during Indonesian struggle for independence. Inggit was known for her courage to refuse Soekarno when he asked to marry another woman. She even let her position as the first lady of Republic of Indonesia go and be returned to her hometown in Bandung. “The monologue speaks about Inggit’s call when tough decisions have to be made,” said she, who was born in Sukabumi on January 4, 1980. Inggit was a very dedicated person and always laid her actions on principles and for the sake of humanity.

Salma, who also teaches performing arts, hopes that this monologue will make more Indonesians know Inggit Garnasih better. “Inggit Garnasih is our national asset. I hope everyone can be more aware of that,” said she.

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