Unpad Students to Take Part in New York’s National Model United Nations


[Unpad.ac.id, 8/03/2013] As many as seven students are to take part in the National Model United Nations (NMUN) 2013 held in New York, USA, from March 17 to 21. They are Wulan Andriany Putri (Business and Economics), Damianus Andreas (Communication Science), Fitriah Ady Utammy (Communication Science), Hario Firsta Yudha (Arts), Boris Binsar Nathanael (Business and Economics), Viddy Naufal (Social and Political Sciences), dan Dionisius Arga W (Business and Economics).

Unpad Students taking part in the National Model United Nations in New York on March 17-21, 2013.

“NMUN is simulation of the United Nations assemblies consisting of several committees, to name but a few General Assembly, Security Council, and Economy-Social Council. In the simulation, we are representing Singapore,” said Dami when interviewed in the Unpad’s PR office on Friday.

To become NMUN delegates is not an easy task. They first have to write a position paper which requires excessive knowledge on NMUN. Afterward, they have to go through interviews with their faculty advisors, consisting of previous NMUN alumni. “We are trained for six months and are required to take local/regional MUN prior to taking part in the national model,” said Hario and Wulan, who is the head of delegates.

The NMUN 2013 is organized directly by the United Nations. Its closing ceremony is planned to take place in UN headquarter. Knowing this, all delegates are really looking forward to attending the NMUN in New York. For them, it is the very opportunity to bring good name for Indonesia. “Participating in NMUN can bring our social awareness of the world,” Hario concluded.

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