Twelve Unpad Students Go to Melbourne for World MUN 2013

[, 12/03/2013] Unpad sends student delegates, consisting of 12 students and 2 faculty advisors, to the World Model United Nation 2013, known better as WorldMUN, in Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center, Australia, from March 18 to 23.

The delegates are Denisa Ruvianty (FISIP), Wenstra Tanribali (FISIP), Sonny Sanjaya (Faperta), Nurhayati (Faperta), Ayu Puji Lestari (FH), Ditya Dwi Anjani (FH), Nadia Isfandari (FEB), Wahdan Ismudiyar (FEB), Astri Destriyani (FEB), Putri Rizkia Lestari (FMIPA), Novia Rubianti (FK), and Riany Fitria (FEB), together with Gustav Franklin (FISIP), and Jessica Cassandra (FEB) as faculty advisors.

“Preparation has been made since September last year. We’ve been practicing debating, conference simulation, lobbying, diplomacy, and making sponsorship proposals,” said Denisa when interviewed on Monday (11/03) in the Unpad Public Relation Office.

In the simulation, the delegates are to represent Senegal in various committees such as United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), General Assembly, Organization of the Islamic Conference, World Bank, and World Health Organization (WHO). This obligates them to get adequate pieces of information on the country they are representing. In doing so, they have to contact the embassy of Senegal in Japan since Indonesia and Senegal have yet to have any diplomatic tie.

In addition to representing Senegal, the delegates are also given the opportunity to give art performance on Indonesian culture. The performance will be made by Nurhayati, who will stage Merak dance in the Social Event of the WorldMUN. “It’s going to be my first time performing before international audience. I hope it runs well,” said Nurhayati.

Going to the WorldMUN gives excellent impression for the delegates. They together with students from other Indonesian universities will bring the good name of the country and their universities. “We are going to do our best. We will make our university’s good name known,” said Denisa and Sonny.

Gustav, one of the advisors, has high hope that all delegates can play an active role to contribute to giving solution to the world’s problem. Event like WordMUN encourages students to improve their knowledge, diplomacy skills, and fight for Indonesia’s better future. “I hope they can score achievement and bring the award as best delegates. It’s going to be very rewarding for us,” Gustav concluded.

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