This Year Unpad Opens Undergraduate Program for Political Science

[, 4/03/2013] The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences opens new undergraduate program, that is Political Science which will admit 60 students. According to the head of the program, Mudiyati Rahmatunnisa, Ph.D., political sciences was recently offered for graduate programs. “So, basically, it’s like a tree that doesn’t grow on a solid soil. So, the undergraduate program is aimed to serve as the foundation for the graduate programs,” said she when met at her office last Friday (01/03).

In relation to the already existing government science department, the new program will coordinate so that there will not be any overlap. “Basically, government science has different orientation, sheltered under political science,” she added.

As of today, the department is still strengthening the program’s mission, vision, curriculum, courses, discipline concentration, and competence of its future graduates. The processes are in accordance with the already existing sytem that FISIP upholds. The new program will have its own characteristics, one of which is its focus. “Should Universitas Indonesia focus on South East Asia political condition, we are emphasizing Asia Pacific region.”

As for the student quota, the program will admit 60 students, 26 of which will be admitted via national entrance examination (SNMPTN), whereas the remainder via SBMPTN invitation route. It is expected that students will complete all academic requirements only within 3.5 years. “We have a design in which the total credits of 144 are offered through 36 courses.”

Students graduating from the program will have numerous competences to become academician, researcher, activist, bureaucrat, diplomat, with an earned degree S.IPol. Rahmatunnisa is very optimistic about the program. Many student candidates have been asking about the program, which shows that great interest. “Hopefully, this new program will contribute to the betterment of our nation,” she concluded.

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