FMIPA Unpad Students Join International Research Conference in Bangkok

[, 25/03/2013] As many as three students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Unpad, Fadilatul Laela Insan, Evanti Arosyani, and Anissa Amalia, took part in the International Research Conference, held in Bangkok, Thailand from March 2 to 6, 2013. The conference hosted other students from countries such as India, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and Austria.

In the conference that was divided into 8 topics covering Enviromental Issues and Waste Management, Business Management and Social Sciences, Computing Engineering and Technology Science, Safety Hazardous Disaster Management, Biological Engineering and Natural Sciences, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences, Agriculture Tourism and Hotel Management, and Sports Polypathy and Oriental Medicines, the students presented scientific paper, later published in the International Journal of Multidisciplinary (IJMR) Vol.1 Issue 12 (1) 2013, entitled Fungi Preservation Method Using Zeolite, Silica, and Sand, with emphasis on the fungus growth to be applied in and developed for industries.

The optimal preservation techniques are developed in order to store and maintain activity level, cell viability, genetic quality, and contamination prevention as well and genetic change from stored fungus isolate. This is necessary to maintain the ability to produce enzymes or biomass for applied biotechnologies.


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