Graduates with the Highest IPK and the Shortest Study Term in Unpad Commencement Ceremony Batch II 2013


[, 6/02/2013] Two graduates from the department of Sundanese just scored an excellent achievement in the graduation ceremony batch II Academic Year 2012/2013. They are Euis Siti Nur Fauziah, graduating with the highest IPK (equivalent to GPA) and Fera Febriani, graduating the fastest (only within 3 years and 3 months period).

Euis Siti Nur Fauziah (Photo: Tedi Yusup)*

“I am so excited about scoring such achievement. I really didn’t expect this,” said Euis and Fera when interviewed at the Unpad Public Relation office in Unpad campus in Bandung on Wednesday (6/01).

Euis and Fera really did not expect that they would make such achievement for they focused simply on getting their academic requirements completed instead of aiming for such goals.Euis, herself, saw it really well that she had dreams that she could fulfil only after graduating.

“I’ve been concentrating on academic life for I did not want to burden my parents with more tuition they had to pay. This is for them, for their kindness,” said she.

As for Fera who was born in Garut, on February 14, 1991, the heap of assignments that she had to complete has made her focused even better on getting them done. She believes that going to college is not simply to seek degree. But it is to get more knowledge that she can apply for the benefit of the society at large. “We have to have persistent motivation to keep on learning. Without such motivation, we can never generate goodness,” said she.

Despite academic difficulties they often faced, they managed to pull through thanks to the supports that their friends had given them.

Euis believes that education always comes first which makes her sees no significant difficulties in learning and completing her study. She would ask her professors if there were topics that she did not comprehend thoroughly. She was also active in various organization, one of which is student executive body where she could gain knowledge she did not study in class.

Fera Febriani (Photo: Tedi Yusup)*

“I just the kind of person who cannot sit still. In the organizations I was active in I was responsible for various duties. Being active in the organizations meks you know how to live your life, how to manage your time. How to understand that education is a priority,” said she.

Studying in the Sundanese Department have given them rewarding knowledge and valuable experience. They got to learn Sundanese language and culture, which their parents are very proud of. They could understand the very culture into which they had been born.

“Many foreigners are now studying Sundanese language and culture. I think we should be embarassed if we, as Sundanese, overlook our own culture,” said Euis. She thinks that it would be impossible to preserve the culture if she does not study it.

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