Unpad Extends Cooperation with Radboud University

[Unpad.ac.id, 25/01/2013]Unpad extends cooperation program with Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, for the next five years. This is marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding, represented by Unpad Rector, Ganjar Kurnia, and Radboud University Rectore, Sebastian Kortmann,  in the Bale Rucita, Unpad Rectorate Building in Jatinangor on Friday (25/01).

Unpad has previously been in a partnership program with Radboud University for the period of 2007 and 2012.  The cooperation was proven very rewarding for both parties, particularly in research on health. This new term of agreement covers development programs in curriculum, human resources, joint research, and staff exchange.

Photos: Tedi Yusup (Humas Unpad)*

“We’ve been collaborating since 2007. Only some faculties were involved. Now we are aiming at all faculties to take part in this partnership. This should benefit all of us,” said Setiawan, Unpad Vice Rector III.

On the same occasion, Radboud University Rector gave a presentation on his university’s profile and offers cooperation possibilities with all faculties in both universities.


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