Parental Guide to Overcome Negative Impacts of Information Technology Development

[, 16/01/2013] Concerned with the overwhelming impacts of fast-growing information technologies on children, Public Relation Department Students, Faculty of Communication Science organized an interactive talk show “Being Super Mom in the Digital Era” on Saturday (12/10) in Bale Rumawat, Unpad Campus in Bandung.

Speakers in the talk show: Being Super Mom in The Digital Era.*

The deputy assistant of treatment against child abuse office, ministry of women empowerment and child protection, Pribudiarta Nur Sitepu thinks that the event conveys a very strategic approach for mothers in dealing with overwhelming impacts of the information technology development. “This means a great deal, especially in terms of getting the best use of information technology to protect our children,” said she.

Also present in the event were Teguh Iman Perdana (author of “Screaming Free Parenting”), Prof. Dr. Juke Roosjati Siregar,M.Pd. (Child and Teen Psychologist from Unpad), Dr. Nina Djustiana,drg.,M.Kes. (Gender and Children Research and Development Center LPPM Unpad), and Dr. Dede Mulkan, M.Si., (Expert in Technology and Communication).

According to Dr. Mulkan, children have become very engrossed with various digital media and gadgets. Internet, he argues, can give both positive and negative impacts simultaneously. If parents overlook this, children may be affected with the negative impacts. Similarly, Prof. Juke Siregar argues that televisions have become the children’s enemies. Most television programs are unsuitable for children. Parents should know this very well and anticipate it immediately. “As parents, we should find a way to get children be attracted to other activities other than indulging themselves in their digital world,” said Prof. Juke Siregar.

Children grow together with their environment. Perdana and Djustiana argue that parents should begin thinking on how to create a positive mindset for their children. They have to collaborate in creating the best approach to care for the children.

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