AFEBI Discusses the Establishment for Independent Accreditation Body for Economic Department


[, 31/01/2013] The ministry of education and culture Republic of Indonesia has studied the importance of establishing an independent accreditation body (LAM) for study programs and issued a regulation on this matter in Law No. 12/2012 on Higher Education.

According to a member of National Accreditation Body for Higher Education Institution (BAN PT), Dr. Muhammad Syafrudin, LAM is an organization that can be established by the government or any society members, particularly an association of a study program or discipline. Therefore, LAM is responsible for the study program, and BAN PT will focus on the university.

“One main requirement for a study program to be accredited is that the programs must already be registered in DIKTI,” said he when giving a presentation in the “Dean’s Forum Joint Seminar of AFEBI and ABEST Indonesia Commitee” in the FEB Graduate Program Building, Unpad campus in Dipati Ukur on Thursday (31/01).

In relation to this, the Association of Economics and Business Faculties in Indonesia (AFEBI) is currently discussing the potential for establishing such independent body. AFEBI can begin with the initiative which will result in LAM Board of Trustee and Board of Executives. “The Board of Trustees and Board of Executives will contribute equally for the LAM.”

As for when the LAM is established, AFEBI is still waiting for confirmation from the ministry of education and culture.  Once it is completely established, AFEBI will aim higher for international Alliance on Business Education and Sholarship for Tomorrow a 21st century organization (ABEST21), the organization for economics and business in Asia.. According to Nury Effendi, the dean of Faculty of Business and Economics (FEB), ABEST21 is an organization that is responsible for creating the system and criteria for program accreditation unique to the study programs in the region. Given that, AFEBI has invited the president of ABEST21, Professor Fumio Itoh, to give an elaborate presentation on the system that ABEST21 applies.

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