Unpad Scouts to Go on Maritime Jamboree in Malaysia

[Unpad.ac.id, 05/12/2012] Representing Unpad, five scouts (Pramuka Unpad) are to go on the maritime jamboree to be held in Kepulauan Langkawi, Malaysia, 11 to 18 December 2012. They are Yunita Anggraeni, Muhammad Iqbal, Lalan Jaelani, Mohammad Suryana, and Muhammad Fikrur Rizki.

Muhammad Fikrur Rizki, Yunita Anggraeni, Muhammad Iqbal, three out five Unpad scouts to go on the maritime jamboree (Photo: Arief Maulana)

“We are so excited at and proud of being able to represent Unpad in the Malaysian jamboree,” said Yunita when interviewed at Unpad public relation office in Jatinangor on Tuesday (04/12). They are to receive training on diving, snorkeling, sea rescue, and mangrove planting. They are also to participate in a cultural exchange program in which they will be giving musical performance of Karinding, a Sundanese traditional musical instrument recommended by the Culture and Tourism Office of West Java.

Being able to introduce Indonesian culture gives them this special excitement knowing that not every Indonesian is given the same opportunity. Therefore, they feel the need to make thorough preparation in order to perform well.

This excellent opportunity has to be taken advantage of. Bringing a good name for Unpad and Indonesia is a great responsibility. “Don’t ask what your country has given to you, but ask what you have given to your country.”

In addition, they hope that what they would have learned in the jamboree can contribute to the betterment of scouts in Indonesia, especially Pramuka Unpad. “We’re taking this chance to give good name to Unpad,” Yunita concluded.



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