Unpad Rector Launches Mini-fiction Anthology, “Nu Keur Néangan”

[Unpad.ac.id, 07/12/2012] Writing fiction and technology development always go hand in hand. Social media, for example, have given birth to new literary genre, mini fiction. Many have become really devoted into making such fictional writing by means of internet.

Nazarudin Akbar, Dhipa Galuh Purba and Dadan Sutisna at the book discussion “Ngaguar Fikmin ‘Nu Keur Néangan’ karya Ganjar Kurnia”, Thursday (06/12) in Bale Santika, Unpad Jatinangor. (Photo: Tedi Yusup)

Unpad rector also feels the need to spend his leisure making Sundanese mini fiction in a facebook page, Sundanese Mini fiction Community. He has been receiving appreciation from his colleagues and friends for his writing. Now, his writings can not only be enjoyed through the internet for they are now collected and published in anthology “Nu Keur Néangan” which covers as many as 87 short stories.

According to Nazarudin Akbar, the initiator of the page, Ganjar Kurnia’s stories speak about three main themes—that is humor, religion, and daily events. Some of his writings, however, touch on romantic relationship. “He touches on social reality that he sees and spills it out through mini fiction,” said he when speaking at the book discussion on Thursday (06/12) in the Book Fair 2012. In addition, his writing style makes all of his stories easily read. “It brings us to laugh, ponder, and brings forth imagination.”

Similar to Akbar’s statement, Dadan Sutisna, the chief editor of Cupumanik, argued that Ganjar Kurnia’s “expresses his spontaneity through fiction writing and adds meaning to it.”

Ganjar Kurnia has sent many of his mini fictions, at least 3 within a week period. In total, from September 18 to November 13, 2012, he has written 169 mini fictions.

He said that all of his writings were always immediate, without necessary planning just like how other genres are written. The spontaneity is based on what he hears or feels.

It is expected that his writing can encourage those who have interest in writing to be able to create fictional products and be read by all readers. “Mini fiction is basically a medium for expression to take place. Through this book, interests in reading will grow robustly,” he concluded.

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