[Unpad.ac.id, 06/12/2012] Integrated Field Practice (KKNM) Batch I for January-February 2013 will begin shortly. However, Unpad still faces procedural obstacles in carrying out the program. In order to overcome this, Unpad’s Institute for research and community service (LPPM) organizes KKNM Workshop 2012, bringing a theme “Learning from the community”, on Thursday and Friday (6-7/12) in the Bale Sawala, Unpad Rectorate Building.

The rector, Prof. Ganjar Kurnia (left) accompanied by the head of LPPM Unpad, Prof. Wawan Hermawan, M.S., (right). (Photo: Arief Maulana)

“We always find obstacles when carrying out this program,” said the rector when opening the workshop. The main aspect need to be emphasized is that the students need to learn lessons from the community where they do the field practice.

The recommended that students while doing the field practice should learn about the demography of the venue, understanding the potential that the community or the village possesses, and helping overcoming issues that might appear.

“The result of the program should be report about the village potentials, weaknesses, and ideas that students recommend to address the weaknesses,” added he.

Another procedural obstacle that the rector found is that the advisors’ (DPL) attendance. Unpad has to make a clear standard operational procedure for the student advisors so that they can really supervise the ongoing process of the field practice program and their students’ participation.

The head of research and development center KKNM Unpad, Dr. A Zainuddin explained that the workshop is part of the evaluation process from previous field practice programs. Unpad feels the need to be different from other field practice programs in other universities that only stress the need to educate the already celebrated community members, instead of learning from them.

The workshop is divided into four commissions—examining the rationale of KKNM, the student activities, briefing and monitoring procedures, and the advisor’s responsibilities, respectively.

The workshop, Zainuddin added, is importance because as of today Unpad has yet to have written procedures on how KKNM is supposed to be carried out. “Hopefully, the new guidelines the workshop will result in will address all procedural obstacles that KKNM programs often face,” he concluded.



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