Maintaining Food Security through Plant Protection Day 2012

[, 26/12/2012] Challenges to maintain food sustainability have become stronger and stronger. What’s more, they have turned into threatening elements. In order to address such issue, Plant Clinic, Plant Disease and Pest Department, Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) Unpad organizes Plant Protection Day 2012, bringing a theme “Climate Change, Pest and Disease Status, and Food Security” on December 10 and 11 in Bale Santika Waras, Unpad campus in Jatinangor.

Speakers at Plant Protection Day 2012

The event also aims at broadening the horizon and knowledge of all community members on climate change so that in time they will be able to anticipate it and maintain food security as the basis of human life.

Plant Protection Day 2012 includes a national seminar, interactive talk show, quiz contest for Indonesian university students, photography exhibition, and agriculture products exhibition.

The national seminar, bringing a theme Understanding Global Climate Change and Its Impact on Plant Pests and Food Security,” presents several prominent speakers, to name but a few, Ir. Lilis Irianingsih, MP. (National Agency for Food Security West Java Office), Dr. Ageng S. Herianto (Assistant FAOR) and Ir. Firdaus Natanegara, MM. (Plant Pest Prediction Center). Lady Herawaty Hadriansyah, a Faperta student, serves as the moderator.

Bringing a theme “the role of plant protection for food security), the talk show is made interactive by speakers such as H. Deddy Ma’mun, Ir., MS. (Agribusiness Lecturer in Unpad), Endah Yulia, SP., M.Sc., PhD. (Pest and Plant Disease Department), Dr. Sc. Agr. Agung Karuniawan (Plant Breeding Department), and Ir. Lilis Irianingsih, MP (National Agency for Food Security of West Java Office).

As for the photography contest, bringing a theme plant disease and pest exoticism, Ridho Adrian Hugraha, Fitria Ariani Rahayu, and Haris Budiman win the first, second, and third place, respectively and are awarded a total prize of Rp. 3,000,000. Rewarding similar amount, the committee gives a way prizes to the teams from Universitas Gajah Mada, Universitas Sriwijaya, and Universitas National in the Quiz Contest.


News release: Klinik Tanaman, Jurusan Hama Penyakit Tumbuhan, Faperta Unpad/ind


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