[Unpad.ac.id, 26/12/2012] Due to its slightly significant importance, Unpad Student Corps (KPM) was determined to organize an event called Table Manner KPM Unpad 2012, bringing a theme “Elegant Yourself” on Saturday (22/12) in Granada Function Room, Hotel Aston Primera Pasteur in Bandung. As many as 100 participants seemed eager to take part.

Participants at Table Manner KPM Unpad 2012.

Begun with Personality Training from OQ Modelling School bringing a theme “Developing Self-esteem and a Positive Image: Being an Elegant? It’s a big yess,” the speaker, a well-known psychologist, Sukmayanti Ranadireksa, M.Psi gave a talk about first impression, ethics, outward appearance, and attitude. Almost all participants felt very rewarded and enthusiastic by the knowledge they were to receive from her.

The event continued as tour de hotel began and lengthy explanation from the manager of the hotel arguing the importance of table manner was given. He argued that table manner teaches us how to dine together with international and national guests with correct attitude.

Participants were taught how to sit, use napkin, speak, and use silverware, as well as to serve food and pick menu. Simulation was held on how they drink welcoming drink, loaf, appetizer, soup, main course (steak) and dessert.

The event was concluded by handing in certificates from the hotel to participants in addition to souvenirs from KPM Unpad, especially for KPM UIN Bandung, KPM STKIP, KPM Unikom, and KPM Uniku.

News release KPM Unpad/arf


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