KKNM Should Enable Students to Bring forth Villages’ Potentials

[Unpad.ac.id, 15/12/2012] Integrated Field Practice (KKNM Integratif) Unpad is meant to enable students to learn directly from the society and create positive contribution for them.

“The programs take them to villages and enables them to actually interact with community members,” said Ipit Zulfan, the secretary for KKNM Development when interviewed on Saturday (15/12). For this batch, the program is to be held in January to February 2013, in which 4,008 Unpad students will do their field practice in six regencies, consisting of 24 sub-district and 192 villages, in West Java for 30 days, the regencies are Sumedang, Garut, Purwakarta, Subang, Cianjur, and Majalengka. The first group to leave for Subang, Purwakarta, and Cianjur, is to depart on January 14, 2013 whereas the second group to leave for Sumedang, Garut, and Majalengka, will depart on the following day.

Prior to departure, the students have been recently briefed at Animal Husbandry campus in Jatinangor on Saturday and Monday (15-16/12). The briefing aims to give the students with activity guidelines. “However, if necessary, they can also create additional programs deemed positive for the society as long as the programs do not burden their already given responsibilities. They are situational and conditional,” said Zulfan.

Students, Zulfan added, should learn how the villagers live their live, how the community organizations are run, as well as how youth, religious, and arts bodies are implemented.  In addition, students should also be able to bring forth the potentials that the villages have—both the natural and human resources—and offer alternate solutions for any issues that the community members may face.

“They are not expected to actually solve the problems that the community members face. They simply offer a better perspective or alternate solution for those problems,” Zulfan concluded.


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