Faculty of Dentistry’s 53rd Anniversary, Benefiting the Society

[Unpad.ac.id, 07/12/2012] Unpad Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) has been an epitome of excellence for many universities, particularly for Universitas Malaya in Malaya that is planning to open the new faculty.

“We have to remain benefiting the society by providing accessible dental health care for the people of West Java,” said the dean, Prof. Dr. Eky S. Soeria Soemantri, drg., Sp.Ort(K)  when opening the seminar DIES Forum (Dental Information Education Scientific Forum) in the hotel ballroom of Aston Primera Pasteur, Bandung.

As of today, FKG owns a dental and oral health hospital (RSGM) accessible 24 hours. In addition, FKG has been applying the strategy to encourage students to graduate less than 5 years.

“We are now improving our academic system which is to be accredited by a commission from Malaysia,” he added. Therefore, FKG Unpad is gathering all information from dentists, alumni, faculty members on the advancement of dentistry and its technology. The gathering is also to improve the service quality on oral and dental health for the society through active and professional role of dentists.

Before this, the anniversary has actually been begun in September, comprising blood donation, Dentistry Sport Fiesta, Alumni Gathering, and Dies Forum FKG Unpad 53-Pepsodent Award.

According to the Rahmi Alma Farah, the head of the organizing committee, the event is based on the fact that not all dentists update their knowledge on the advancement of dentistry. Related events, such as main lecture presenting 14 speakers from inside institutions and abroad, short lecture from 70 speakers, and dental and non-dental instrument exhibition from 40 companies, would help them upgrade their knowledge.

Farah has high hope that all the events would benefit to the improvement of dentistry, creating “qualified and professional dentists.”


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