Best Presentation Award ASEAN for Unpad Students in the Third Student Exchange Program in Tokyo, Japan

[, 05/12/2012] Being aware that the youth play a great role in preserving environment, as many as 12 students from Unpad take part in an environmental forum the thirs ASEAN Student Exchange Program in Tokyo, Japan, on November 22-29, hosted by AEON, a Japanese prominent retail company.

Brata Kusuma Santoso (fifth from the left) winner for Best Presentation in ASEAN Student Exchange Program

“The event is an environmental forum, we went to lectures, workshops, and other trainings on environemtn,” said Brata Kusuma Santoso, economic and business faculty students. He went to Japan together with Ibnu Haykal (Fikom), Maleakhi Misael (FISIP), Mohamad Yusuf (FTG), Fauzan Fikri (F. Farmasi), Wulan Andriany (FEB), Annisa Tristalia (F. Farmasi), Widya Norma Insani (F. Farmasi), Ajanti (FISIP), Erwan Yudiar (FMIPA),  Yanti Silviana (FISIP), and Mutty Ashila Nadira (FH).

They also paid visits to several instances that deal with nature conservation in Japan. They were assigned to make a program to be presented as a recommendation in addressing various environmental issues.

“We have to make presentation on what we have previously learned. We have to be able to offer solution on particular environmental issues that will help maintain sustainable environment,” said he.

Having seriously competed with other teams from Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan, Brata Kusuma together with his teammates Ajanti Parwito (FISIP) and Yanti Silviana (FISIP) won Best Presentation award with his blue-print concept “Sustainable Water Resources”.

The team recommended a new simple device called watermill aerator that can increase the oxygen level in lakes, which will contribute to the increasing water quality. In addition, they also built biopore infiltration well which makes use of rain water to be processed and used in households.

“We want to make sure the water is clear and will not affect the already existing ecosystem. Should it give any effect, it will only benefit to the betterment of the environment. It is a mutual relationship,” said Brata.

Their creativity combines advanced program from developed countries to be adopted with programs that developing countries have already had. Their local act impacts global surrounding.

They are very proud of the achievement they scored for it able to show the world the quality of the nation. “I know that we have always been able to compete in a higher level and give positive impacts for our environment,’ said Brata.

The event concluded as all delegates signed the Declaration of Youth for positive national contribution. Indonesia was represented by Wulan Andriany Putri (FEB) and Maleakhi Misael Susanto (FISIP).


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